Text on image reads, 2025-26 new student enrollment. enroll now.

What’s Happening

Front Office Procedures
Report an Absence
Student Tech Info
Outstanding Students

Parents and Students, 

Round Rock ISD has canceled the track meet for tomorrow.  Hopefully, our athletes will get to run next week at Canyon Vista.  Have a good day and try to stay warm!

COVID 19 info

Criteria for the 2024-2025 NJHS:
Grade level-8th grade
Scholarship-top 50 cumulative GPAs (95.53 and above)
Leadership, service, citizenship, and character—as demonstrated by activities and teacher evaluations
All NJHS Members must:
1. One monthly meeting
2. 20 service hours
3. Maintain good academic standards according to the UIL policy
4. Maintain a clear discipline record

Click here for all School Dance information

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Campus News


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